Records Completed by Us

We don't like to do, nor to keep, any unnecessary paperwork.  We do not keep on file details of your situation, words, or feelings.

We have always kept only minimal records, as required by the state licensing board, and we have advocated successfully in the past against a requirement for more record-keeping. We have always considered the conversations of our clients to be confidential.

We keep a record of when you have a meeting with us, if your work with us is considered "treatment." You can see the forms we use for our records here.

In the very few situtations when we have been requested by a client to convey information through written or oral means, we make certain that we are given a written release and that we convey only what the client asks us to convey about the work done with us.

We have always done our business that way, and, now new federal regulations reinforce that position in some ways. However, you need to know what we can disclose and to whom, understanding the ways your health insurance company can ask for certain, restricted data about you.